Software Development Case Studies

Software Development Case Studies

Recent Projects

Since 1995 3wCommunications has successfully launched thousands of websites for businesses in different industries ranging from NGO’s to IT companies. Here are some of the recent projects which we have completed for our clients.

Be Quiet, Listen, Look, Question, Validate and Define Next Steps

So you just received a hot lead from your web site, and it is your job to convert the lead to a sale. My advice to you is: be quiet, listen, look, question, validate and define next steps

Boost Your Company’s Online Reputation with LinkedIn

LinkedIn has been around for a while now and recently they passed 20 million users.

Boost Your Company’s Online Reputation with LinkedIn

LinkedIn has been around for a while now and recently they passed 20 million users. Unless you live under a rock, you probably have received at least one invitation to connect with someone on LinkedIn.